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Správca služobných ciest

Môžem zrušiť cestu rezervovanú bývalým zamestnancom?

Reservations that are associated with former employees with unconfirmed email addresses and charged to your company’s payment method can be canceled.

To do this:

  1. Log in to your Airbnb account and go to your Airbnb for Work dashboard
  2. Click the notifications icon in the navigation bar
  3. Under Pending employee requests, click Unconfirmed employees
  4. Select the former employee in the list
  5. Click Review trip
  6. From the trip itinerary, click Request to cancel trip
  7. Add a note to your cancellation request, then click Send request

Our community support team will reach out to you once they have reviewed your cancellation request. The cancellation is subject to that listing’s cancellation policy.

Otherwise, if the traveler booked the trip using a personal payment method, you can remove them from your Airbnb for Work program. This won’t cancel their trip, but will prevent them from booking future trips that are paid for by your company. Find out how to remove someone from your program.

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