Návrhy sa zobrazia po zadaní do vyhľadávaného výrazu. Pozrite si ich pomocou šípok hore a dole. Vyberte klávesom Enter. Ak je výberom fráza, táto fráza sa odošle na vyhľadávanie. Ak je návrhom odkaz, prehliadač prejde na danú stránku.

Návšteva miesta pred rezerváciou

To help ensure the safety and privacy of guests and Hosts, complete your booking before asking to visit. We only release contact information after reservations are confirmed.

Be sure to keep all booking, messaging, and financial transactions directly on the Airbnb website or app.

Learn more before you book

There are plenty of ways to get a clear idea of a place without visiting the property:

  • Review the listing carefully and message the Host with specific questions
  • Check out their profile verifications
  • Read reviews for more detail
  • Browse verified photos
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