Návrhy sa zobrazia po zadaní do vyhľadávaného výrazu. Pozrite si ich pomocou šípok hore a dole. Vyberte klávesom Enter. Ak je výberom fráza, táto fráza sa odošle na vyhľadávanie. Ak je návrhom odkaz, prehliadač prejde na danú stránku.

Ako sa ponuky zaraďujú do jednotlivých kategórií

Airbnb Categories is a way for guests to discover millions of unique places to stay around the world. It classifies homes in over 60 different categories based on their style, location, proximity to a travel activity, and other factors.

Searching by category

Guests searching for a place to stay can browse categories like Cabins, Lakefront, National Parks, and Adapted. They can also search listings by destination, and their results show up under Your search.

Any listing on Airbnb can appear in Your search if it matches a guest’s search for a particular destination. It can also show up in one or more Airbnb Categories if it meets the criteria.

How categories work

Listings in each category go through a curation process. Millions of homes on Airbnb are evaluated using a machine learning algorithm to analyze titles, descriptions, photo captions, and guest reviews.

Listings that appear in categories are ranked based on a number of factors that evolve over time. Some factors that may influence ranking include:

  • Price
  • Popularity
  • Proximity (for location searches)
  • Category fit
  • Listing photo quality

How listing category cover photos are selected

Cover photos for each listing go through a review and curation process. The cover photo selected best represents the category that the listing is included in.

If you believe that another photo in your gallery best represents the category, please contact us.

Ako zistiť kategóriu ponuky

Ak je ponuka zaradená do nejakej kategórie Airbnb (s výnimkou možnosti Vaše vyhľadávanie), bude uvedený názov tejto kategórie.

Ako nájsť kategóriu ponuky v počítači

  1. Kliknite na Ponuky a vyberte ponuku, ktorú chcete skontrolovať.
  2. V editore ponuky kliknite na Vaše bývanie.
  3. Kliknutím na Typ objektu zobrazíte kategorizáciu svojich ponúk.

How listings are added to categories

Here are some tips to increase your chances of being included in a category:

Request a category change

If you believe your listing is not correctly categorized, you can request a category change by following the steps below:

  1. Sign in to Elevate using your existing Airbnb account login.
  2. Here, you can view all your active listings and the categories currently assign to them.
  3. To add a new category, click "+ add a category."
  4. A list of all available categories will appear. You can select up to 5 categories to add to your listing. If you wish to add more you will need to wait for those 5 categories to be reviewed first, and then you can request additional categories.
  5. After selecting your categories, your request will be sent for review by our team. They will follow our current guidelines to determine if your listing fits the category criteria.
  6. Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive an email notification, and you will be able to see the status of your request (approved or rejected) on Elevate.
  7. If you wish to remove a category from your listing, click the "x" next to the category name. Removals are auto approved and will be reflected on the platform immediately.

What the Airbnb Categories are

The list of Airbnb Categories is updated periodically. Some of the categories we’ve featured are:

  • A-frames
  • Adapted
  • Amazing pools
  • Amazing views
  • Arctic
  • Barns
  • Beach
  • Beachfront
  • Bed & breakfasts
  • Boats
  • Cabins
  • Campers
  • Camping
  • Casas particulares
  • Castles
  • Caves
  • Chef's kitchens
  • Containers
  • Countryside
  • Creative spaces
  • Cycladic homes
  • Dammusos
  • Desert
  • Design
  • Domes
  • Earth homes
  • Farms
  • Fun for kids
  • Golfing
  • Grand pianos
  • Hanok
  • Historical homes
  • Houseboats
  • Icons
  • Islands
  • Kezhans
  • Lake
  • Lakefront
  • Luxe
  • Mansions
  • Minsus
  • National parks
  • New
  • Off-the-grid
  • OMG!
  • Riads
  • Ryokans
  • Shared homes
  • Shepherd's huts
  • Ski-in/out
  • Skiing
  • Surfing
  • Tiny homes
  • Top cities
  • Top of the world
  • Towers
  • Treehouses
  • Trending
  • Tropical
  • Trulli
  • Vineyards
  • Windmills
  • Yurts
Pomohol tento článok?

Súvisiace články

  • Hostiteľ zážitku

    Zmena kategórie zážitku

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  • Hostiteľ zážitku

    Zmena zážitku po jeho zverejnení

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  • Hostiteľ

    Hostite rodiny s deťmi

    Ak uvediete, že je vaše bývanie vhodné pre deti, je na vás, či sa rozhodnete poskytnúť špeciálne vybavenie alebo bezpečnostné zariadenie.
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