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Založenie účtu

You’ve logged in, but you need to edit your account. Where do you go? Here’s how to update your profile, manage notification settings (like receiving emails or texts), and change your password to help you set up your account just the way you like it.

Editing your personal info 

Whether a Host, guest, or Airbnb is trying to reach you, it’s important to keep your account updated. Once you’re logged in, go to your Account to edit things like your email address or phone number. Note that some of this account info will be public (like your picture or first name), but we don’t share things like your government ID, payment info, or email address.

Edit your account settings
Get details on where to find and update settings and profile info.

Changing your email address
How to change or add an email address in your profile.

Change or reset your password
Learn how to reset your password or create one for Airbnb.

Managing your notifications
Details on how to manage the ways you get notifications from Airbnb.

Verifying your info

Before you can book a reservation a few things need to happen, like your government ID and phone number need to be verified. You can submit a copy of your government ID—which we don’t share with Hosts or anyone else—through the identity verification system. If you need to add and verify your phone number, go to your Account and we’ll text you a code to complete the process.

Verifying your identity on Airbnb
Details and troubleshooting when you’re uploading your government ID.

Verify your phone number
How to add, update, and verify a phone number on your account.

Background checks
How background checks work and what they entail.

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Súvisiace články

  • Hosť

    Úprava nastavení účtu

    Nastavenia účtu, ako aj niektoré informácie vo vašom verejnom profile môžete upravovať v časti Účet.
  • Hosť

    Overenie telefónneho čísla

    Keď pridáte do svojho účtu telefónne číslo, hostia, hostitelia a Airbnb vás budú môcť kontaktovať v súvislosti s vašou rezerváciou.
  • Hosť

    Zmena emailovej adresy

    E-mailovú adresu môžete zmeniť alebo pridať vo svojom profile.
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