Návrhy sa zobrazia po zadaní do vyhľadávaného výrazu. Pozrite si ich pomocou šípok hore a dole. Vyberte klávesom Enter. Ak je výberom fráza, táto fráza sa odošle na vyhľadávanie. Ak je návrhom odkaz, prehliadač prejde na danú stránku.

Prispôsobenie polohy na mape

Your exact map location is available to confirmed guests, but what about potential guests in public search? You can choose how your location is shown by enabling/disabling Show your specific location. If you enable this option, your listing will show a small circle with greater accuracy, but not the exact point.

Note: For Hosts in the Resident Hosting program, enabling this setting will allow your listing to be merchandised under your property’s name and exact address by Airbnb or by your property.

Úprava adresy ponuky

  1. Kliknite na Ponuky a vyberte ponuku, ktorú chcete upraviť.
  2. V editore ponuky kliknite na Vaše bývanie.
  3. Kliknite na možnosť Poloha a potom na možnosť Adresa.
  4. Upravte svoju adresu a potom kliknite na tlačidlo Uložiť.

Address privacy for cancellations

When this setting is on, guests won't be shown your address, last name, or phone number while they’re able to cancel for free. After the free cancellation window, we’ll send guests this information.

Note: You can also answer any questions guests might have about location in your message thread.

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