
Tanner Springs Park

17 miestnych odporúča,

Rady od miestnych obyvateľov

November 22, 2018
Across the street :)
Tamara And Geoff
May 24, 2018
This is one of my all time favorite parks in Portland (and we have lots to choose from!) -- it's a little piece of wild in the heart of the Pearl district. Great spot for eating lunch, having a chat, reading a book, or just spacing out and reflecting on how good your life is (or isn't...).
December 13, 2015
A beautiful place to meditate and relax. Lovely pond. No dogs allowed (and rarely any children in this park)
November 17, 2015
One of the Pearl District parks. On a sunny day, this is a nice pocket of nature!
Bill And Gretchen
April 13, 2018
Northwest 10th Ave. & Marshall St., Portland, OR, 97209 My favorite park in the city! Serene and natural planting, water gardens with stepping stones. A wall made of train tracks & hand-painted fused glass runs along this park on former wetlands. Great landscape architecture! Peaceful, lovely and in the N. Pearl - lots of coffee houses, bars, bakeries, shops, & art close by. Cool Moon Ice Cream & Jamison Park all nearby. (503) 823-752
Northwest 10th Ave. & Marshall St., Portland, OR, 97209 My favorite park in the city! Serene and natural planting, water gardens with stepping stones. A wall made of train tracks & hand-painted fused glass runs along this park on former wetlands. Great landscape architecture! Peaceful, lovely and i…

Čo jedinečné môžete zažiť v okolí

Multnomah Zen, malebný zážitok z turistiky pri vodopáde
Ponorný zážitok z čínskeho čaju v súkromnej čajovni
Bezkonkurenčná prehliadka japonskej záhrady, ruží a Washingtonského parku

Miestni tiež odporúčajú

Portland, OR
Northwest Portland