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Profesionálne fotenie ponúk

You’ve thought of it all—amenities, decor, even the personal touches that make a stay unforgettable. Time to share your gorgeous space! We have freelance professional photographers stationed in many cities around the world to snap beautiful photos for your listing.

What you’ll get

A freelance photographer will take 2-3 images per room, and after the photoshoot a team of professional editors will enhance their quality.

The new images are uploaded to your listing page within about one week of the photoshoot. The number of images received is based on the size of your property and none of your previous content will be removed.

Schedule professional photography for your listing

Learn more about our pro photo program or contact photography@airbnb.com to request a price quote. Please make sure to include url links for the requested listings. Our team will respond back with your quote within 72 hours.

Once you’ve requested a photoshoot, learn more about next steps and scheduling and get an idea of what to expect from a shoot.

Before you request

If you’re planning to make changes to your space, don’t request a photo shoot until your changes are done. We only offer one professional photo shoot per listing, and it isn’t refundable once it’s started.

For more, check out our professional photography FAQs.

To qualify, you must have a verified phone number and email address on your profile.

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  • Hostiteľ

    Čo sa stane po žiadosti o fotenie

    Urobíme všetko, čo je v našich silách, aby sme vás spojili s fotografom, ktorý je vo vašom regióne k dispozícii. Keď fotograf túto prácu pri…
  • Hostiteľ

    Opätovné fotenia

    Pre každú ponuku ponúkame len jedno profesionálne fotenie. Fotenie sa po začatí nedá zrušiť ani zaň nemôžu byť vrátené peniaze.
  • Hostiteľ

    Platba za fotenie

    Náklady na fotenie odpočítame od najbližšieho vyplatenia prostriedkov, ktoré dostanete z niektorej z vašich ponúk.
Získajte pomoc s rezerváciami, účtom a ďalšími položkami.
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