Ako vytvorím ponuky prostredníctvom svojho poskytovateľa softvéru?
If you use software that’s integrated with Airbnb, you can publish listings and manage them directly through your property management system (PMS) or channel manager (CM) software.
Getting started
To connect your software to Airbnb:
- Set up an Airbnb account, if you don’t already have one
- Connect your account by granting your PMS or CM permission to manage your existing Airbnb account
- Select the listings you want to publish from your PMS or CM
If you don’t have existing listings on Airbnb
Select the listings you want to publish on your connected software and they’ll automatically publish on Airbnb. Once completed, you’ll receive an email confirming that your listings have been successfully published.
Any listing that you create through your software must be compliant with our Software Connected Host program policies.
If you have existing listings on Airbnb
You can connect your existing listings to keep existing content and reviews, and to avoid creating duplicates.
You can merge listings through your software if your PMS or CM supports it. If not, you’ll need to merge and publish directly on Airbnb’s sync page.
For more specifics on how to merge your listings on Airbnb, find out how to merge and publish connected listings on Airbnb.
Súvisiace články
- Hostiteľ
Ako môžem priamo zlúčiť a zverejniť pripojené ponuky?
Zlúčením ponúk sa zabezpečí, aby ste nevytvárali duplikáty a aby sa zachoval váš existujúci obsah a hodnotenia. - Hostiteľ
Pravidlá pre ponuky vytvorené pomocou softvéru
Každá ponuka, ktorú vytvoríte prostredníctvom svojho softvéru, musí byť v súlade s našimi pravidlami pre ponuky, aby sa zabezpečila rovnaká … Úprava podrobností softvérovo pripojenej ponuky na Airbnb
Úprava podrobností ponuky a správa ďalšieho obsahu priamo na Airbnb závisia od vašich nastavení synchronizácie.