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Kľúčovou súčasťou nájdenia konkurencieschopnej ceny je pochopenie miestneho dopytu.
Od autora Airbnb dňa 3. máj 2023
3-minútové čítanie
Aktualizované 12. okt 2023

Ako hostiteľ máte svoju cenovú stratégiu vždy pod kontrolou. Sami si volíte cenu, spôsob jej nastavenia aj jej priebežné prispôsobovanie.

Najdôležitejším faktorom pri zvažovaní je miestny dopyt. Ak má vaše bývanie vyššiu cenu než podobné ponuky v okolí, je pravdepodobné, že budete prichádzať o rezervácie. Ak je vaše bývanie cenovo konkurencieschopné, je pravdepodobnejšie, že prilákate hostí, čím by ste na Airbnb mohli zarobiť viac.

Sledujte miestny dopyt

Keď viete, za koľko sa rezervujú podobné ponuky v danej oblasti, pomôže vám to pri určovaní vlastnej cenovej stratégie.

Ak chcete porovnať ceny, vyberte si v kalendári ľubovoľný dostupný dátum alebo rozsah dátumov (maximálne šesť nocí). Ťuknite alebo kliknite na svoju cenu za noc a potom na tlačidlo pod ňou s ikonou mapy a textom „porovnať cenu“.

Zobrazí sa vám mapa s priemernými cenami podobných ponúk v okolí, ktoré si hostia rezervovali. Môžete si pozrieť aj ceny podobných ponúk, ktoré sú stále dostupné.

Ceny zobrazené na mape odzrkadľujú priemernú cenu ponúk za rezervované alebo nerezervované dátumy vo vybranom termíne. Podobnosť ponúk sa určuje na základe faktorov, ako sú poloha, veľkosť, vlastnosti, vybavenie, ohodnotenia hviezdičkami, hodnotenia od hostí a iné ponuky, ktoré si hostia prezerajú pri zvažovaní tej vašej.

“Knowing what’s happening in my area gives me so much more confidence in my price,” says Felicity, a Host Advisory Board member and Superhost in New South Wales, Australia. “I’ll know if I have the best price, so I should hold my ground, or if I’m being a bit greedy and need to drop my price.”

You can also respond to local demand by tracking:

  • Special events. Conferences, festivals, and other big events can create major demand. Join social media groups, follow your local tourism bureau, or register with event ticketing sites to help you plan ahead.
  • Seasonal shifts. In places that draw crowds at certain times of year, hosting during your area’s peak season can help you earn more, while lowering your price during low season can attract more guests.

Pricing your place competitively may also help your listing rank higher in Airbnb search. The results take into account the value and quality of a listing compared to similar ones nearby.

Consider your costs

Your hosting costs can help you think about your price as well. Daniel, an Airbnb Superhost and Host Advisory Board member in Tenerife in the Canary Islands, says he tracks what he calls the “internal” factor of his hosting expenses along with the “external” factor of demand.

Daniel says he balances his expenses with what guests are willing to pay to help him set a reasonable expectation for what he can charge and earn.

Examples of hosting expenses can include mortgage or rent, maintenance, taxes, and cleaning fees. Some costs may not be obvious to guests, and can help explain your price. You can highlight any added value you offer in your listing description, like luxury bath products or streaming services.

When Pamellah, an entrepreneur and former Host Advisory Board member in Malindi, Kenya, first started hosting, she says she focused too much on her own costs. She set her price “so high, based on how much I’d put into it,” and didn’t get any bookings.

“Two hours after reducing my price, I never stopped hosting,” Pamellah says. Though her experience may not be typical, she was able to increase her price quickly. Thanks to steady bookings and positive guest reviews, she became a Superhost less than three months later.

Make sense of the numbers

Track your expenses and earnings throughout your hosting journey. “I set up a separate bank account to track my expenses, so when it’s tax time, I’m not in bad shape,” says Reed, a teacher, entrepreneur, and former Host Advisory Board member in Philadelphia.

Local lawyers or tax professionals can provide advice about taxes and laws that apply to Hosts in your area. Please note that Airbnb does not give professional guidance. “If you need to get a tax advisor, or you need to do a little research on how to make sense of the numbers, do that,” Reed says.

If you’re a new Host searching for one-to-one support with pricing, we’ll match you with a Superhost Ambassador who can help.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.

3. máj 2023
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