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Zmena rezervácie pred pobytom

Whether it's changing the dates of your stay, the number of guests, or something else, you can change a confirmed reservation by submitting a change request to your Host.

Zmena dátumov alebo počtu hostí

Hostiteľ bude musieť prijať všetky odoslané zmeny. Ak ich hostiteľ neprijme, skúste mu poslať správu s pripomenutím, aby skontroloval vašu žiadosť o zmenu.

  1. Kliknite na Cesty a potom na cestu, ktorú chcete zmeniť.
  2. Kliknite na možnosť Zmeniť rezerváciu.
  3. Zmeňte termín svojho pobytu alebo počet hostí a kliknite na tlačidlo Uložiť.
  4. Skontrolujte zmeny a potom kliknite na možnosť Odoslať žiadosť.

Hostiteľ dostane po odoslaní žiadosti oznámenie, aby žiadosť schválil alebo odmietol.

How it works

Depending on the Host’s policy, changing the number of guests may affect the total cost of your stay.

The original total and the new total will be shown before you submit your request for the alteration. Once the Host accepts, the change will be processed.

You’ll be charged or refunded, if necessary, and this will also be shown before you confirm the change.

If the Host declines your request, or doesn’t respond, your reservation will stay the same.

Other details

Here are a few other things to keep in mind when making a change request:

  • You can’t make changes if your checkout date is in the past
  • Once changes have been made, any later changes must go through the process outlined above as a new request
  • If the Host altered their pricing for the new dates before you requested the change, your new reservation will reflect this pricing, unless you booked a special offer
  • Changing the reservation dates may affect if you're still eligible for a weekly or monthly discounted rate
  • Once a reservation has started, you can’t change the number of guests
    • If you do need to add more guests to your reservation, use the Resolution Center to process any additional payments you and the Host have agreed on
  • It's not possible to transfer a reservation to someone else—if you can't make a trip, you’ll need to cancel the booking and ask the other guest to rebook.

Hotel stays

For some hotel stays you may need to contact the hotel directly to modify your reservation.

Longer stays

If a reservation is for 28 nights or more, the longer stay cancellation policy applies.

For guests

If you’re a guest, you can check your confirmation email for more details.

If you change or cancel a longer stay:

  • Your first payment might be nonrefundable, depending on the listing and when the reservation is made
  • If you cancel after the trip has started, the following 30 nights of the reservation are nonrefundable
  • Your Host can choose to offer an additional refund

Note: If your reservation isn't confirmed yet and you need to add another guest or change the dates of your reservation, learn how to cancel or withdraw a pending trip request.

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Získajte pomoc s rezerváciami, účtom a ďalšími položkami.
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