Návrhy sa zobrazia po zadaní do vyhľadávaného výrazu. Pozrite si ich pomocou šípok hore a dole. Vyberte klávesom Enter. Ak je výberom fráza, táto fráza sa odošle na vyhľadávanie. Ak je návrhom odkaz, prehliadač prejde na danú stránku.

Odmietnutie žiadosti o cestu

Things come up, and you might not be able to accommodate every request that comes your way. Not a problem—here’s how to handle it.

  1. Decline the request before it expires within 24 hours—your response rate will thank you! It’s one of the factors that helps you become a Superhost.
  2. Decide whether to keep the dates blocked or open them up for someone else to book.
  3. Change your mind? That’s OK, too. Just ask the guest to send a new request, or make their day by sending a special offer or invitation to book.

You can also decline an inquiry, which prevents the guest from sending a request.

Make sure to review our Nondiscrimination Policy before you decline. Turning down a lot of requests can impact your reservation rates and where your listing shows up in search.

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